Monday, May 21, 2012

Diablo 3 - Stats/Damage General Information

With the recent release of Diablo 3, thousands of fans - both new and old - have been running through Sanctuary, trying to push back the darkness. It was very surprising to me that many of my friends that have been logging hours into Diablo 3 still didn't know much about the basic mechanics of the game. It's pretty easy to get through the Normal difficulty mode without knowing a thing about how stats work and what "DPS" means, but once you hit the higher difficulties it becomes quite a challenge if you have no idea what you're doing. So, here I am to help with some general information about how some pretty basic game mechanics work. Before I get into stats, two very important things you should do first (if you haven't already) are: 1. Turn on elective mode. It's in the gameplay options...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Recent Gaming News

DCU Online: Licensing Console Games? DC Universe Online, the popular new MMORPG published by Sony Online Entertainment, is much different from other console games you own. What's the difference? In order to play it, you need to license the game, much like one does with the purchase of certain PC titles, limiting the number of people that can own or play it. From second you type in that license key, the value of your copy of DCUO instantly plummets, rendering it virtually useless to any other gamer. In addition to affecting consumer resale, this requirement means DCUO is essentially un-rentable by major services like GameFly. Of course, the game itself is unaffected, but a word of warning to anybody who wishes to purchase it: Don't bother purchasing this title if you only wanted to play...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Black Ops Commentator: WhiteBoy7thst

WhiteBoy7thst Who is he? WhiteBoy7thst is a YouTube commentator for Call of Duty: Black Ops. Not only does he commentate his Black Ops gameplays, he also vlogs daily and listens to his subscribers requests, which is quite rare in the YouTube community. Many of the Call of Duty commentators on YouTube are the same, and just talk about how amazing they are at the game and how epic their 39-1 gameplay is. WhiteBoy, however, is different. Why is WhiteBoy interesting? Like I stated above, WhiteBoy is very different from the common kill-whoring commentators that take up 99% of YouTube's Call of Duty commentating community. Unlike popular names like WingsofRedemption, WhiteBoy plays the objective. He generally plays Ground War, and most of his gameplays are Domination. He still gets good scores,...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Assassins Creed Brotherhood: Game Review

Welcome to the Brotherhood     I would like to start off by saying that Assassins Creed Brotherhood isn't necessarily the Assassins Creed 3 we have been waiting for. Supposedly Assassins Creed 3 won't even be coming out in the next couple of years. Secretly I'm praying nightly that it's a giant rumor and it's right around the corner, but who knows? The Story     Assassins Creed Brotherhood picks up where Assassins Creed 2 left off. You're still controlling Ezio, however this time you are only in Rome and don't travel around to different places. And, since everyone loved the "town" system in AC2 where you bought and upgraded things for Monteriggioni (I spelled that right on the first try, whaddup?), you get to do the same thing, but instead you're opening shops...

Friday, February 4, 2011

PSN Game Review: Castle Crashers

I never really got into PSN Games much until pretty recently. And since most of the games are small, the reviews will be small, but hopefully they will provide enough information for you to be able to decide whether or not you actually want to buy the game. First on the list... CASTLE CRASHERS    Castle Crashers is made by The Behemoth, a developer I had never heard of before. This game originally was only out on the Xbox, until August 2010. As soon as it game out for the PS3, I bought it right away, and it was $15 dollars well spent. Castle Crashers is a side-scrolling beat-em-up type game with many unlockable characters.    The game is set in a medieval world, and you play as a knight saving some princesses stolen by some evil guys (what else is new?). Although the...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Black Ops: Tactics (Part 1)

Going from Casual to Hardcore - Tips to Up Your Game Alright, everybody who plays video games knows (or should know) that there are casual players who play for fun, don't care about things like KDR or achievements, or about the game mechanics. Then, there are the players that usually are pretty good at the game- they know a lot about the game, they play it often, they have good KDRs (or at least care about what their KDR is). Also, many people want to make the jump from casual to hardcore, yet they still suck at the game. Well, I'm going to give a few tips to possibly help these people get at least slightly better at this game (And these tips will apply to games outside of Black Ops as well). I myself am not a pro at Blops, but I still have some tips to help people out: GUN STATS If you...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Black Ops Review/Rant

Alright, well this blog is new, Black Ops is relatively new, so I may as well write a review about this game first. Black Ops is by no means a bad game, it's fun to play for me. However Treyarch (aka 3arc) seems to have done a pretty sloppy job in the technical aspects of the game. Sure, the game looks nice, and the multiplayer has a whole new Wager Match mode and all of that good stuff, but the games non-visible aspects seem to be lacking. For example, the anti-lag. The anti-lag coding has been the same ever since Call of Duty 4, and this is definitely a bad thing. Anti-lag itself is a good thing, there is some lag compensation so you don't actually have to lead a lagging target to get hit markers, but the anti-lag that this game uses is just old. I know that 3arc can do a better job with...

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